In this article we will read “How to Change Wifi Password Of Ptcl“ in detail with brief and deep explanation of each and every aspect of the topic, describing all the essential points, answering all arising questions and queries, starting from very base and reaching to the very peak by achieving destiny through short route, smart work and dedication. We are determined to reach you in your language, through ease of understanding by remaining very simple, brief, covering whole topic, giving choices, providing necessary information, acknowledging mistakes, spreading knowledge everywhere where there possible.
Change Wifi Password Of Ptcl Modem
The PTCL WIFI password can be change using various methods, modes and digital technology. The main theme of the topic is to change the WIFI password of PTCL which can be achieved by different systematical approaches which also differ as we demand of changing WIFI password on different device. The approach to change the PTCL WIFI password is different when we simply means of changing WIFI password while it differ when we means for changing password for a specific device like it would be different for mobile, different for PC, different for Evo wingle and charji devices. So as demand vary methodology also vary hence we use varying approaches to achieve our goals.
- A) How to change WIFI password
- a) How to change WIFI password of PTCL Modem
- b) How to login PTCL router without password
Here you can know how to login PTCL router without password
This topic is about how to change WIFI password of your router, you are here to understand how you can change your router’s password simply by following few simple and easy steps as below
Tap the browser configuration page
Type username and password details
Click on security section
Set new password
These are few very simple and easy steps which can help you in changing your WIFI password and setting a new password if you forget the older one. This article helps you to have no worries if you forget your WIFI password.
How to change WIFI password PTCL on mobile
Easy and simple way to change WIFI password PTCL on mobile\ Android mobile\ from android mobile
A step by step guide how to modify WIFI password of PTCL on android mobile, so you can follow these steps to know how to change WIFI password PTCL from android mobile
First of all open a web browser by going into mobile main screen, you can open any of the following browser which you like
-Internet explorer
-Google chrome
- a) PTCL IP address to change WIFI password
- b) 192.168.I0.1 PTCL WIFI password
Secondly you have to type the IP address in search bar of the web browser whichever you selected as all the web browsers have a search bar. IP address is same and universal for all the users that PTCL IP address to change WIFI password is and for new modem users the IP address is 192.168.I0.1 PTCL WIFI password and press the enter key on your keyboard.
- a) PTCL username and password
In third step you are asked to enter the username and password, the default username for most of the broadband is “admin” and password is also “admin” for most of the PTCL broadband routers. You can enter these default username and password and can also check the PTCL username and password given on back side of the router or on box of the device.
When have had enter the username and password, you can see the Admin panel. This Admin panel have all the settings of the PTCL Modem, while a wireless option can be seen on left side of the admin panel, You should click the wireless option to proceed further
A complete list of all the options is shown in admin panel after clicking on wireless option, so from this list tap on security option, after doing this you can see a complete form of details on right side of the panel, scroll down and click on WPA\WAPI option
After clicking on WPA\WAPI option passphrase bar you can see an option of set new password, go to this option and enter a new password of your choice
When you enter new password at right bottom an “apply” option appear, click on this option your device will restart and new password will automatically saved.
This article also includes and answers the following subtopics
- a) How to modify WIFI password PTCL on mobile
- b) How to change WIFI password PTCL on android
- c) How to modify WIFI password PTCL from android mobile
How to change WIFI password PTCL
If you are wondering to know how to change WIFI password of PTCL then you are at right place
In this article we will explain, “ How to change WIFI password of PTCL” with examples and deep brief description. Here you will be answered all your queries related to the topic “ How to change WIFI password PTCL”
This article will further cover following sub topics:-
- WIFI password of PTCL Charji
- PTCL WIFI password of PTCL on mobile
- WIFI password of PTCL on pc
- PTCL WIFI password of PTCL on android
- WIFI password of PTCL evo wingle
- PTCL WIFI password of PTCL modem
- WIFI password of PTCL router
PTCL router login
PTCL router login is very easy and simple process, Every router has web browser and every web browser has a search bar, open the web browser, type or enter IP address same\ universal for all PTCL users, a pop-up window will appear, enter username and password both are ADMIN as default mentioned on lower below corner of the Modem, the last five digits of the MAC.
- C) How to change PTCL Admin password
It is very easy to change PTCL admin password, you just have to enter the IP address information given on your device’s back lower side.
-Open browser
-Enter IP address ( same for all PTCL users) in search bar
-Tap Modem username and password (on bottom panel of modem printed at sticker and default password is MAC’s last five digits)
-Type admin panel of PTCL ( default password is MAC’s last five digits)
-Click on security
-Set new password
- D) How to change PLDT WIFI password PTCL
You can follow the below mentioned step by step guide to learn how to modify pldt WIFI password PTCL
In first step go to
In this step tap the option forget password
Then type your registered my home email address in the bar
A link will be sent to you on your given registered email address, click on the link and reset the password
In this way you can change your PLDT WIFI password in few easy and very simple steps.
How can I change my PTCL 2022 WIFI password?
You have a web browser and every web browser contain a search bar, in this search bar you can enter IP address which I same for all PTCL users that is and press the enter button on your screen and your password will be changed. You can also below steps to change WIFI password
It is very easy to change your PTCL WIFI password in 2022, in step one you just have to open your web browser and enter the IP address, in step two you will be asked to enter the username and pass, type in both fields “admin” in step three firstly click on wireless and then on security and in last step click on WPA\WAPI and set a new password
Can we change WIFI password from mobile?
Yes, we can change WIFI password from mobile, we just have to follow these instructions
Tap the WIFI security app icon on the main screen
Tap setting icon in the upper right corner of the screen and change password
This can differ depending on our cell phone type but function is same in all types of phones
How can I change my WIFI password in mobile easily?
You can follow below steps to change WIFI password in your mobile easily
- a) Firstly open the setting icon in your mobile phone
- b) Secondly click on WIFI menu
- c) Thirdly tap on network
- d) Click forget password
- e) Enter email address and new password
- f) Confirm new password, you have done.
How can I change my PTCL WIFI password on android?
It is very easy to change your PTCL password on android, in step one you just have to open your web browser and enter the IP address, in step two you will be asked to enter the username and password, type in both fields “admin” in step three firstly click on wireless and then on security and in last step click on WPA\WAPI and set a new pass.
How to change WIFI password of PTCL Charji?
- a) PTCL charji password change
- b) How to change WIFI password PTCL evo wingle
Follow following step by step guide to change WIFI password of PTCL CHARJI
-Open browser
-Enter IP address in search bar
-Tap Modem username and password
-Type admin panel of PTCL
-Click on security
-Set new password
Hence we can say that changing PTCL WIFI password is not as easy as one can say but at the same its not as difficult as one imagine. We can utilize our knowledge, information we have about tech and digital technology to learn different approaches to achieve our pre determined goals. Use of technology is very easy and free to change PTCL WIFI password.