How To Unsubscribe Hungama Weekly Offer

In this blog, we will let you know how to Unsubscribe from Hungama Weekly Offer. We are sharing with you a quick and simple way to unsubscribe Jazz Hungama offer.

Send “LIST” to 6611 to subscribe Jazz Hungama’s weekly offer or Send “UNSUB” to 8696 and unsubscribe Hungama offer. Both ways are described on this page for those users who are searching for a 100% complete history of the Jazz Hungama weekly offer.

How To Unsubscribe Hungama Weekly Offer Jazz

How To Unsubscribe Hungama Weekly Offer

Jazz users are grumbling about a loss of balance without any reason. Basically! It’s a prepaid offer that activates on the prepaid numbers without users’ permission. Hence this service caused a balance deduction and the customer always search a way to deactivate this service. Now your problem is gone because X website is mentioned the both sub & unsub method on this blog post in a very simple manner.

Unsubscribe Jazz Hungama weekly offer:

The method is 100% working to unsubscribe jazz Hungama offer just follow simple steps:

  • Open massages option
  • Click on Write New Massage
  • Just type “UNSUB
  • Send it 8696

After a while you will get a confirmation massage of “Successfully Unsubscribe Jazz Hungama Offer”.

2nd Way How to Unsubscribe Jazz Hungama Weekly Offer:

Like all other networks, Jazz is also active on social media platforms, especially Facebook. Jazz reads the customers complains and takes action instantly. Keeping the same thing in view we can perform our second method of unsubscribing jazz offer. Just follow the steps given below.

  • Open your Facebook Account
  • Search Jazz Official page
  • Type your name and number and requested them to unsub your Jazz Hungama offer.
  • After this, your Jazz Hungama offer deactivate instantly

Final Method to Unsubscribe Jazz Hungama Offer:

Last but not the least, this method is most recommended and suitable for all those users who want immediate action. Regardless of not working any method then you can attempt this technique to unsub your hungama offer.

  • Make a call on Jazz official Helpline “111
  • After this contact on Jazz service agent
  • Request him to unsubscribe your jazz hungama offer
  • He/she will unsubscribe your package munally.

At the end of the call you’ll receive a SMS “Successfully Unsub your Jazz Hangama Offer


In this blog, we have provided you multiple ways to unsub Jazz hungama offer. In which the best and most recommended method to contact with jazz service centre. We also provide two more ways to unsub the offer like through Facebook and Code. You can follow any method which suits you the most.

In bonus! We also give the way to subscribe your Jazz Hungama weekly offer.

Jazz telecom network may change their code, if you face any other issues regarding this blog post or you need any additional information; feel free to post a comment in the comment box.

Read Also, How to report a login issue Facebook Problems

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